Our leadership, members and partners are extremely important to helping us accomplishing our goal of restoring the Catawissa Creek.
For 30 years or more Ed has been actively involved in land and water restoration projects in the Anthracite Region of Northeast Pennsylvania. The first project involving a conservation district started in 1992. Through the efforts of his students at Williams Valley High School, where he taught environmental science at the time, he developed a community partnership to treat an Acid Mine Drainage [AMD] discharge on the Wiconisco Creek. This has now become the Wiconisco Creek Restoration Association [WCRA]. This is one of the ten watershed organizations that he had a hand in starting. Ed is a charter member of the Eastern PA Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation [EPCAMR] and was president for most of its existence. What started with only a few dedicated volunteers has grown into two full time employees, part time employees, several internships and a service area of fourteen counties in PA’s Anthracite Coal Region. Ed is also president of the Catawissa Creek Restoration Association [CCRA], an active member of WCRA, and on the board of the Pioneer Tunnel, a Coal Mine and Steam Train Tour in his home town of Ashland, PA. Ed is a retired eighth grade science teacher at Upper Dauphin Area School District and active environmentalist.
Ed Wytovich
Vice President
David Darling is co-owner/operator of of The Farm at Catawissa Creek. Before pursuing formalized training in sustainable agriculture David studied Mathematics at Eastern University where he cultivated a love for Beauty and a desire to understand Justice.
Through volunteering and procuring meals for the food insecure popluation at a ministry in Philadelphia he begain to realize the precarious position our food system was in. It was these experiences that led him to reconcile his relationship with the natural world, as well as, his community by becoming a competent steward and sustainable producer.
David Darling
Anne Darling
Anne Darling is co-owner/operator of of The Farm at Catawissa Creek. She and her husband David steward the beautiful property along the creek. Their mission at their farm has been to bring people back to food, nature and presence. The creek provides a beautiful oasis for residents and visitors to enjoy. Anne joined the CCRA in order to contribute to the continued health and well-being of this beautiful body of water and share it’s beauty with the community and world.
Cheryl served on the board of the Columbia County Conservation District and EPCAMR and through these organizations, she became involved with the CCRA. Cheryl has served as Treasurer for many years.
Cheryl Brobst
Assistant Treasurer
Tracy has raised her family along the Catawissa Creek since 1983. She has been a member of the CCRA since it’s initiation in 1997.
Tracy Miller
Join the CCRA
Interested in being a part of the creek restoration? Donate and/or become a member with our easy-to-use form below.
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By becoming a member of the CCRA, your membership fee assists in furthering the mission of clean creek water and opening public access points along the Catawissa Creek.
The CCRA meets monthly every third Thursday of the month via Zoom or in person at the Columbia County Conservation District. You will be added to the meeting email invites when you join. Members are not required to attend meetings.
We truly appreciate your support and donations.
Questions? Reach out! Email us at catawissacreek@gmail.com