2001- First Drainage System Established

The Catawissa Creek Restoration Association (CCRA) and EPCAMR completed the construction of the Oneida #1 Tunnel Discharge Treatment System in Eagle Rock Resort.  The system consisted of 3 buried limestone beds (each bed was split into 2 halves separated by a headwall) and a settling pond.  The 1,500 gallons per minute (gpm) discharge is collected by an under-drain intake system, diverted, and split into the 3 beds.  The pH is raised by the limestone from about 4 to 7 and aluminum is collected in the settling pond.  The resulting water is much cleaner and healthier for aquatic life.  The system is completely drained at least monthly by Eagle Rock Resort maintenance crews.


1997 - CCRA starts up with work to plenty be done


2003 - EPA approves Remediation Plan