As a result of the implementation plan was the construction of a treatment system for the Audenreid Tunnel Discharge outside of Sheppton, PA. The system consists of 3 limestone-filled upflow style tanks and settling ponds and was originally designed to treat about 8,000 gpm. An under-drain intake system collects the polluted mine water from the discharge channel, diverts, and splits the flow to the 3 tanks. Shortly after installation, the system intake and piping were plugged by sediment coming from the tunnel in the aftermath of a tropical storm. Later, a bypass intake system and micro hydro turbines were installed on the outflow of the tanks to generate electricity on approximately 10,000 gpm of water to help flush the tanks on a regular basis to limit aluminum sludge buildup in the tanks. Unfortunately, the system developed cracks in the piping and preferential flow paths in the limestone which reduced the effectiveness of treatment over time.